Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Basketball Reflection

Write down five things to think about when you bounce a ball
     2.Feet shoulder width apart
     2.hands patting the ball
     3.ball at hip
     4.get ready for when someone tries to get the ball off you
     5.control it

What are the main four parts of basketball?

How can you protect the ball from a defender? turn your back at them

sketball.What was challenging for you? getting the ball I played it when I was 6 and I don’t remember anything I did it was long ago

What was your favourite part? helping my team i'm good at passing thats a good thing

What would you have liked to have learned more of? attacking i'm more of a attacker I like to get it off people

What is something you learned? passing, one handed passes and a bit of attacking

Insert a photo of yourself practising a skill      I PAD DID NOT SEND WILL NOT LET ME SEND IT

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